Procure Smart

Switch Your Business Energy

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 with our new contract switching tool.

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Case Study: Helping Seaglass Cafe to
re-open its doors

How we helped a wonderful local cafe re-open its doors following a dispute with its energy supplier.

Helpful business energy guides and blogs

We believe in helping our customers become as knowledgeable as possible about business energy.  Below are some of our most helpful pieces to help you make the right decisions to execute your strategy.

From sole traders to large multinationals, Procure Smart can help businesses of all sizes switch and save.

Business energy market graphs showing increases on a black screen

What is a half hourly meter and how do I know if I have one?

A half hourly meter, often abbreviated as “HH”, is a type of electricity or gas meter which measures and records the amount of electricity consumed by a business every 30 minutes.

What is a Letter of Authority (LOA)?

Before a Third-Party Intermediary (TPI) can provide you with a quote for your business energy, they require a signed Letter of Authority (LOA), but what exactly is this? And why is it required?

Procure Smart's Business Energy Jargon Buster

We’ve put together a handy jargon buster to help make some of those tricky energy terminologies just that little bit easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope these questions help.  If you’re still unsure, please get in touch with us and we can answer your question.

Due to our relationships with some of the UK’s leading energy suppliers, we’re able to negotiate the exact contract required to fit your every business need.

  • Fixed-rate contracts – Pre-agreed unit rate (measured in kWh) with your supplier for the duration of your contract. They are the most common business energy tariffs as they enable businesses to  maximise the accuracy of their long-term financial forecasts.
  • Green energy contracts  A form of contract where some or all of the energy you buy is ‘matched’ by purchases of renewable energy that your energy supplier makes on your company’s behalf.  This can contribute to lowering your carbon emissions.
  • Pass through contracts – You agree to some, but not all charges upfront with your supplier, with the remainder being ‘passed through’ to you at an additional cost, depending on factors such as your time of usage. These contracts are favoured by many businesses who operate outside of normal operating hours when energy charges are typically lower. However, be warned, whilst savings can be made, pass through contracts make businesses significantly more vulnerable to variable charges.

It’s about utilising the relevant experts.

Our Business Procurement Managers constantly monitor their relevant market, identify trends and deliver results for their customers as a result.

We don’t wait around for that renewal notice to land; we’re always monitoring the market to determine the best time for your business to strike.

We don’t just stop with energy.  We can help your business save across six service areas in ways you have never imagined.

Traditional price comparison websites simply link their users with a Third Party Intermediary (TPI) like Procure Smart after you’ve provided your details.

You’d save time and effort speaking directly to our experts.

That’s where we help businesses work smarter.

To begin with, all we need is just a few bits of basic information. This includes copies of your latest gas and electricity bills and a signed Letter of Authority (LOA). With this, we can analyse your current spending and then approach suppliers on your behalf to procure great deals for your business.

Additionally, our dedicated account management team will oversee the whole process and deal with any queries from suppliers.  We save your business time, energy and money.

A Letter of Authority (LOA) is the legal document that provides our experts with the permission needed to then liaise with energy suppliers on your behalf.  

What makes our service so beneficial to our customers is our ability to remove the stress of switching and managing the process from start to finish on your behalf.  In short, in order to negotiate with suppliers, arrange meter installations and process the contracts, we need to prove to suppliers that we have your approval to do so.

This is where an LOA comes into action.

Traditionally speaking, businesses begin searching for new energy deals as soon as they enter their switching window (often the six month period before their contract expires). 

However, it is advisable to keep your eyes open for dips in the market and utilise advanced procurement to access savings and efficiencies.

Due to the all-consuming nature of running your own business, most owners and senior leaders have their minds on other things.  That’s why it’s great to work with a TPI (such as Procure Smart) because we are always watching the market on behalf of our customers.

Firms often leave their renewal until the last minute because it’s not their priority.  For this reason, we’ve created our super-fast and easy switching process to enable you to get back to doing what you do best. 

Most savvy business owners question whether they could procure the deal themselves to make it cheaper.  In some instances this is correct.  But, equally, there are just as many instances where TPIs can negotiate using their strong supplier relationships to beat prices elsewhere on the market. 

Additionally, most TPIs offer increased levels of customer service, advice, research and efficiency that are not available by going directly to a supplier.

In many instances, businesses can’t actually access a contract due to credit statuses or industry types.  TPIs are useful in many scenarios like this.  Read more about why you should work with a TPI on our Smart Hub.

Before you begin the price comparison process, please be aware that if you’ve been in debt with your current supplier for more than 28 days, you may be prevented from switching until your debt is cleared. 

Speak to one our experts if you need assistance or support and we’ll assess the severity of the situation.  If possible, we’ll use our supplier relationships to help rectify it. 

Just like comparison websites, Procure Smart earns commission as a proportion of your spend for each contract we switch for a supplier.  For most service types, we will not bill you directly.  More detail can be found in our terms and conditions.

Every business is different and the market has been volatile for years.

The best move completely depends on your circumstances.  Longer contract terms can be very beneficial to provide cost certainty, plan effectively and, sometimes, access an advantageous rate.  Other times, your business type or circumstance may be too risky for suppliers and short-term could be the way to go.

Our expert Business Solutions Managers can advise you on which way to go.  Don’t be afraid to reach out.

Many different reasons.  We found many of our customers benefited greatly from advanced procurement methods during the gas price crisis of 2021/2022 which still has not fully subsided.  

Leaving it late is very rarely a beneficial strategy, however.  Suppliers know you need a new contract to avoid dreaded variable rates and may not offer you prices as you could access by procuring in advance.

But, don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the process and take the administrative burden away from you.

Many people are apprehensive about submitting their direct phone line on a digital form.  

It is our agent’s job to reach you as quickly as possible within office hours.  They’ll do their best to do so, but will not harass you.

You’ll find us a friendly bunch.

Of course!

Many UK businesses lack the in-house resources to efficiently procure the services they need. As a result, many businesses end up paying way above the going rate without realising it.

Following a comprehensive audit of your business’ procurement needs, Procure Smart will identify areas of your business where savings can easily be made.

Business energy symbol of a lightning bolt, representing gas and electricity

Switch Your Business Energy