Procure Smart

A solar panel symbol comprising squares to look like renewables

Renewables Solutions For Your Business

From feasibility to installation

The global energy landscape has changed drastically in recent years.

Concerns over security of supply and price volatility have now joined pre-existing net zero pressures to drive renewables viability across the board.

At Procure Smart, we’re proud to offer a turnkey solution to guide your business on the viability, feasibility and installation of renewables projects from solar to biomass and everything in between.

Solar PV


Battery Storage

Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

Electric Vehicle Charging


Heat Pumps

Business solar is going mainstream

Learn more about renewables

Solar PV Funding options for businesses

The global cost of PV panels dropped 82% between 2010 and 2019 and the electricity wholesale market is stubbornly refusing to recover from the gas price crisis.  This has led to renewables of all kinds becoming more attractive prospects for businesses

Solar PV array on a factory roof in front of a sunset

Commercial solar: is your business suitable?

Most businesses would leap at the chance to secure their energy costs, reduce their carbon footprint and potentially generate revenue from a commercial solar array.

But is your business suitable?

Full detail on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

Our dedicated PPA page has full details on the popular funding method which gives businesses access to solar and renewable power without any up-front capital expenditure.  It features a handy PPA estimate calculator.

People working out finances with laptops on an office desk

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) calculator

Complete just five fields and we can tell you the potential savings of installing commercial solar PV via a Power Purchase Agreement.

Our latest renewables content

Our process

The road to renewables

Working with a panel of MCS accredited partners, Procure Smart offers a full turnkey solution.  This includes feasibility, installation, administration and contract negotiation for your renewable technology.

We offer free desktop feasibility studies to determine the opportunity renewables present your business.

Following this we’ll fully manage the project through each of its phases.

Our Target20 starting point

We work holistically across business energy strategy, allowing us to plot an accessible route to net zero for your business.

The first step on that journey is to reach 20% off-grid.  We call this Target20 and it’s our starting point.

Funding the future.

Funding solar PV options

Outright purchase

Capital expenditure by your business to realise savings and payback as quickly as possible.

Power Purchase Agreement

Specialist agreements created for renewables installations, where funders purchase and own the system on your premises, but sell you the energy generated at a major discount versus market rates.

Click here for more on PPAs.

Asset Finance

We can provide access to specialist renewables funding options with interest rates of between 3.5% and 7%.

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope these questions help, if you’re still unsure, please get in touch with us and we can answer your question.

The cost of PV systems is variable depending on the space you have available, the technology you select and your funding method. 

We can provide you with a FREE feasibility study and quote very quickly.  Get in touch for a no-obligation chat.

The average price of an array has dropped from £129,000 in 2012 to below £60,000 today.  This is due to advancements in technology and availability of materials, as well as more sources of manufacture.

Additionally, the increased cost of grid-sourced energy has drastically reduced the amount of time it takes for savings to pay for your system.  Most quotes we provide are now well under five years and sometimes under three.

This depends on individual circumstances. However, a useful rule of thumb to apply is whether the renewable technology is going to change the footprint of your building.  For example, solar PV arrays on your roof usually don’t need permission; but a solar field or battery storage housing would.

Absolutely.  Many SMEs are disproportionately impacted by energy market volatility due to their lower turnover.  Relying less on grid-based power is a massive bonus, offering certainty and lower prices for longer.  Carbon neutrality is also very marketable for smaller businesses, many of which are rooted in their communities.

Solar PV works on all roof types, however a slight pitch of 30-35 degrees optimises efficiency.

Put simply, the conditions in the global energy market over the last few years have created significant risk in operating traditional grids, from distributing energy affordably to the cost or availability of that energy in the first place. Taking control of your business’ energy consumption is more important than ever, in terms of security and of price.  There is no catch involved and the benefits of renewable energy are more apparent than ever.  Fully transparent calculations can be made with certainty ahead of installation, which will provide you with confidence.

If you bought or financed your system yourself, you are responsible for its maintenance and upgrades. Installers offer a maintenance package for a regular fee, which covers various issues.  Panels come with a warranty and have an average lifespan of 25 to 30 years, but well-maintained systems last longer.  Degradation of performance is inevitable with solar PV, however the UK’s climate would typically result in 0.5% degradation per year (as per figures from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory).  Equally, panel warranties usually include performance guarantees for certain periods.

Procure Smart also offers exciting opportunities to build on Target20 and increase customers’ percentages of energy independence.

    • Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
    • EV charging provision
    • Biomass
    • Battery storage
    • Heat pumps
    • LED lighting

There are a range of grants available to incentivise uptake of renewables.  They change regularly.  Check out this page from the government

Also keep an eye on our Smart Hub, where we cover the most useful business cost saving advice relating to energy.

Enquire about renewables